GTI Core

Monitoring host immune responses in gene therapy studies

Closely linked to the U1089 research team Immunology for gene transfer , the Gene Therapy Immunology core (GTI) provides skilled expertise in the monitoring of host immunity in preclinical and clinical gene therapy protocols.

A wide panel of analysis

We propose various analysis for the monitoring of immune response against the vector and the transgene product.

Humoral immunity

  • Viral neutralizing factors (AAV, Adenovirus)
  • Antibody detection (ELISA, Western Blot)
  • Cytokine quantification

Cellular Immunity

  • T cell response assessment :
    • ELISpot
    • Cell proliferation assay
    • Multimer
  • Multiparametric cell phenotyping (flow cytometry)

Various analysis settings

Our assays are avalaible for multiple vectors:

  • AAV1, AAV2, AAV3, AAV4, AAV5, AAV6, AAV8, AAV9 et AAV10
  • Adenovirus
And various species :
  • Mouse
  • Rat
  • Dog
  • Monkey
  • Human
Do you work with other vectors or species? Do you want to monitor anti-transgene immune response? Contact us, we can develop customized assays for your study.

Sample analyzed

  • PBMC (Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells)
  • Splenocytes
  • Lymph node cells
  • Plasma
  • Serum
  • Cerebro Spinal Liquid
Do you need we prepare the samples for immune analysis?
We also propose :
  • Plasma /serum isolation from whole blood
  • Cell isolation from :
    • Whole blood (PBMC)
    • Spleen
    • Lymph nodes
    • Bone marrow

From research studies to clinical trials

The GTI core is involved at the different steps of product development from research and pilot studies to regulatory studies: toxicology and clinical trial. The activity is submitted to the  quality management system approved by LRQA certification to ISO 9001:2015 and applies Good Clinical laboratory Practices (GCLP) for clinical trials monitoring.

Mis à jour le 16 February 2022.